16 February, 2016

Serious Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our most extensive expertise lies in dealing with claims involving serious motor vehicle accidents, those resulting in serious physical injuries, trauma to the brain, psychological or psychiatric damage, long-term or permanent disabled status, or any combination of the foregoing. We have...

16 February, 2016

Case Involving Children or Infants

Some of our firm’s most significant successes relate to verdicts or settlements for injuries suffered by children and infants. We have represented children and infants in nearly every type of accident or personal injury claim, including motor vehicle collisions, medical...

05 February, 2016

Cyclist Knocked Over and Injured by Dog

In the case of Gallant v. Slootweg, 2014 BCSC 1579, the sixty-one year old Plaintiff was riding his bicycle in front of the Defendants’ yard when the Defendants’ Doberman ran from their property, unimpeded by the electronic fence that was intended...

02 February, 2016

Court of Appeal Success for Acheson Sweeney Foley Sahota

Sean Sweeney, a partner at our firm, represented a licenced practical nurse that had been in a motor vehicle accident.  At trial, Mr. Sweeney was successful and the Plaintiff was awarded a very favourable amount in damages. (Thomasson v. Moeller,...

26 January, 2016

Compensation for Chronic Pain Caused by Bus Accident

In Dhaliwal v. Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., 2015 BCSC 2147, the Plaintiff was injured when the Greyhound bus he was on was involved in an accident.  The Defendants admitted fault for the accident and the Court assessed damages. The Plaintiff was a...

13 January, 2016

Court Rejects Defense Medical Opinion of Dr. Grypma

In Litt v. Hassan, 2015 BCSC 1920, ICBC relied on a medical-legal report prepared by Dr. Grypma.  His report stated that the Plaintiff did not suffer any injuries from the two motor vehicle collisions he was involved in. The Court rejected Dr....

14 December, 2015


We hope that you all have a festive holiday season, enjoying time with family and friends.  If you are hosting a party or a holiday function that includes drinking, please remember that you have a responsibility to ensure that your...

09 December, 2015

Examination for Discovery of Infants

In a previous blog we explained that an Examination for Discovery is a meeting where one party involved in the court case asks the opposing party questions about the issues in the dispute.   But what happens if one of the...