Putting the pieces together after a motor vehicle injury can feel overwhelming. Dealing with pain, treatment, doctors, rehabilitation and employers are all compounded by what can feel like an endless stream of questions and decisions that have to be made quickly.
How do I deal with ICBC?
How do I get the care and financial assistance I need?
After the car accident, who pays for what?
Victoria ICBC Claims Attorney
We are here to help you. The best thing to do is call us for an appointment to speak to one of our expert ICBC claims lawyers in Victoria about your case.
In Victoria: 250-384-6262 or TOLL Free: 1-877-275-8766
In addition to our general information which you can click to download here, we have also provided a series of 17 topical discussions covering the most common questions and scenarios you will face in dealing with an ICBC injury claim. You can access them directly from the topics index below.
However, every case is unique and the end result depends on the facts involved. This is why we encourage you to call us to talk about your case as soon as possible after the accident (preferably before you speak to ICBC but it is never too late to seek legal advice and representation).
We only represent plaintiffs – we never work for the insurance companies or ICBC. This has made us experts in proving the claims of injured persons, but also means that we only have your best interests in mind when we represent you.
Why You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer For Your ICBC Claim
It’s natural for us to trust our insurance companies. After all, we pay them premiums and we expect them to back us up financially in case of an accident. They seem friendly and easy to deal with. However, once you’ve actually been in an accident and need to file a claim, things may not be so simple. What seemed like a straightforward arrangement can all of the sudden feel like litigation, with your well-being at stake…
That’s not necessarily because your insurance company is malicious or deceitful – but, ultimately, it’s a numbers game for them. They receive numerous claims every day, and the job of an ICBC adjuster is to minimize the financial payouts for their organization. They’re highly skilled at what they do, and they have a variety of tools for rejecting or minimizing claims based on the fine print. While it’s good business for ICBC, it may not be fair for you.
As an individual who may be injured and in dire need of financial compensation from ICBC, you simply can’t afford to be just another number to them. That’s why you need an unbiased advocate fighting for your best interests. You need someone who understands the intricacies of the laws and policies surrounding ICBC insurance coverage. In other words, you need a lawyer you can trust.
A good lawyer can make sure that you are treated fairly, that you receive an unbiased medical evaluation, that all the evidence is properly documented and taken into consideration, and that you ultimately receive fair compensation for your injuries.
Of course, you aren’t required to hire a lawyer for an ICBC claim and very simple, straightforward claims may not require one. However, many injuries are more complex and involve significant compensation, and the stakes are just too high to hope that they do the right thing. ICBC is, after all, a business that is concerned first and foremost with their bottom line.
When you work with one of the experienced personal injury lawyers at Acheson Sweeney Foley Sahota, your outcome is our primary concern.
ICBC Topics – Information and Answers to FAQ’s
Click on the links below to learn answers to common questions about ICBC claims.
15. Claim Deadlines